Build and configuration

General Build Options

Building the xeus-octave library

xeus-octave build supports the following options:

  • XEUX_OCTAVE_BUILD_SHARED: Build the xeus-octave shared library. Enabled by default.

  • XEUS_OCTAVE_BUILD_STATIC: Build the xeus-octave static library. Enabled by default.

Xeus-octave must link with xeus dynamically or statically.

  • XEUS_OCTAVE_USE_SHARED_XEUS: Link with the xeus shared library (instead of the static library). Enabled by default.

Xeus-Octave uses OpenGL for rendering, which is dynamically loaded by GLAD. Systems without graphic cards need to use a software implementation of OpenGL. Xeus-Octave also require a display server to render figures. Headless systems (without a display server) may run the kernel through xvfb-run.

Running the Tests

The kernels tests can be run with

python -m pytest test/