
Installing the Kernel

With mamba (or conda)

Xeus Octave has been packaged for the mamba (or conda) package manager.

To ensure that the installation works, it is preferable to install xeus-octave in a fresh environment. It is also needed to use a miniforge or miniconda installation because with the full anaconda you may have a conflict with the zeromq library which is already installed in the anaconda distribution.

The safest usage is to create an environment named xeus-octave

mamba create -n myenv -c conda-forge xeus-octave
mamba activate -n myenv

Then you can install in this freshly created environment other dependencies, such as notebook or JupyterLab

mamba install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

From Source

You can install xeus-octave from source with Cmake. This requires that you have all the dependencies installed in the same prefix, for instance a superset of these dependencies can be found in the file environment-dev.yml.

mamba install --file environment-dev.yml

Then you can install in the same Conda environment with

cmake --build build --parallel 4
cmake --install build

Installing the Kernel Spec

When installing xeus-octave in a given installation prefix, the corresponding Jupyter kernelspecs are installed in the same environment and are automatically picked up by Jupyter if it is installed in the same prefix.

However, if Jupyter is installed in a different location, it will not pick up the new kernel. The xeus-octave can be registered with the following command:

jupyter kernelspec install PREFIX/share/jupyter/kernels/xoctave --sys-prefix

For more information on the jupyter kernelspec command, please consult the jupyter_client documentation.